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  • : What ever I feal like I'll put it in there.
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  • ravensnest
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.



January 6 2015 2 06 /01 /January /2015 09:06

The Rocket Café in Nescel WA is a slice of old American history. From the artwork on the walls to the old children’s toys on display. It feels homey and the conversation is warm, and friendly small town gossip. While its cash only but well worth it. I had a chance to stop in for coffee in early December and the added touch of a Christmas tree brought the feeling of welcome home. All in all the Rocket diner is a part of our history that has been held onto well and is hard to find in this day an’ age. Everyone who stops to enjoy The Rocket has a chance to catch a glimpse of a more simple time and eat real home cooked food. Fair prices garentee return customers, and friendly service makes one feel at home even when on the road. And I personally look forward to the next time I can stop in at The Rocket.

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