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  • ravensnest
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.



July 15 2011 6 15 /07 /July /2011 06:19

One of the best classics of all time, and a tradition for everyone (even those who don’t celebrate Christmas).  This movie brings together the best cast and crew of the time. The dancers are still the best even after all this time. The singers are even better then most any you can find today. And when you combine those 2 elements and a dash of humor you get one of the best movies of all time. Added on to that you have some of the most touching scenes that has ever come out of Hollywood. But lets not forget the music… OMG no one can ever hope to top it. The composer deserves a place in the history books as one of the most intelligent and talented musicians of all time. There will never be a good remake of this movie and anyone who try's is an idiot of the highest degree.

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