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  • ravensnest
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.



May 20 2011 5 20 /05 /May /2011 05:28

Well. It’s been awhile sense I posted anything. Big sorry.

As promised here are my accounts for the 2nd and 3rd interventions…

2nd Kent, went pretty good. Caught him as he was about to log into his game of the month. Even had Jon (my friend from the 1st one) in on it. Personally I think he wanted some payback for his own intervention, but that's just my personal opinion. Kent caught on way quicker then Jon did and had a more neutral reaction. Where Jon got mad, Kent just got really quiet. Then he admitted that one of the reasons his last girlfriend gave him when she left him concerned his gamming “habits”. None of us knew about the brake up and had been wondering where Claudia had disappeared to. He agreed to let off the gamming for more then 3hrs. a day (at least for a few months, besides with the rest of us not gamming he has no one to quest with).

3rd Tina, boy can that girl scream. In hind sight we probably shouldn’t of unplugged her Xbox 360 while she was playing it. But when even her mother cant get a response from her other then “DIE!!!NO!%$^&* @$#!% zombies die” we had to take extreme measures. At least she only threatened to gut Tim, after he started talking about how he can’t even take her to the movies because she’s always on her game. I didn’t stay to hear anymore then that as she started screaming at everyone to get out. Left her in the care of Tim and her mom.


More later got plans for the last 2 in a week.

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