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  • ravensnest
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.



June 6 2011 1 06 /06 /June /2011 02:39

First in the series by Kathy Love this book brings a new view on vampire books that I personally believe is worthy of an award. The love that is described between the main characters is one that I think everyone yearns for but few ever find (at least out side of romance novels). The feelings and emotions that it makes the reader feels are some of the most purest and exciting that this reader has ever been given by words alone. I sincerely hope that everyone will enjoy this book as much as I have. I look forward to reading the 2nd and 3rd books. The book within this one (that describes vampires and werewolves) only having a few of the paragraphs from it seems to hold a more modern variation and a more true take on the reality of vampires then has previously seen in the real world. I would love to see it published but will probably never get that chance as it is in an of itself a work of Kathy Love’s own mind. Either way if you read these books and a few choice others and combine them as I have (or near so) you will get a whole new out-look on vampirism then you would from just watching movies or reading horror stories. I give this book and all that it entails a 10. Also the author deserves a 10 for her work of true art in the making of this book.

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