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  • ravensnest
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.



January 19 2011 3 19 /01 /January /2011 07:02

Why is it the people seem to think that quitting something is easy? Quitting smoking…quitting drinking…quitting anything. Its not easy! Quitting something that you’ve done for a long time is one of the hardest thing you’ll ever do. People who have never tried to quit anything don’t understand yet they seem to think they know what it feels like, or how hard it is.

I’m trying to quit smoking and my Mother who has never smoked…and never has had to go threw what I’m currently going threw seems to think she knows how it’s supposed to work. Ha! If she was right I wouldn’t be going threw nicotine withdrawals' or anything that I am going threw.

She calls me up today during one of my really bad moment, I was working on my latest novel and it used to be I’d have a smoke during the righting process, and talked my ear off about the necessity to quit smoking. Omg I could have screamed. She knew I was working I always work on my novels between 5 and 6 pm, she knows this…everyone in my family knows this. But still she called.

Now normally I can type, talk on the phone and I used to smoke all at the same time but sense I’ve decided to quit I like to take it one thing at a time while I’m working. So she was lucky I even answered the phone. But then to start in with that…gerr. I love my mom I really do but today I could have done without her.

I know she was trying to help but come on. Leave it alone! I’ve heard everything she said at least 20 times before. Its not that I think she was trying to be a pain that’s just kinda how it turned out.

Anyway, I don’t understand how people, just like my mom, can even comprehend what people, like me, are going threw when it comes to quitting something if they have never tried it before. Now some people really do understand but even they don’t seem to understand sometimes, or if they do they go about helping the wrong way. Personally I think if those people would just leave the people trying to quit alone it would save a-lot of headaches. But still to each there own.

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