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  • ravensnest
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.
  • Nuthing much to say about myself. I'm a freelance writer so I've got alot of free time. Other then that I dont feal like putting anything elce out there.



January 23 2011 7 23 /01 /January /2011 10:49

One of my favorite movies of all time. Pitch Black takes you into a world unlike anything ever before seen on the big screen. The characters, the setting, everything about the movie is an excitingly new experience. Where most movies are seen in black or white , Pitch Black takes you into a world that is seen in shades of gray.

An unlikely bunch of people stranded on an alien world must find a way off the planet before they all die. A holy man on his way to new Mecca with his three charges, two settlers, a scholar, the landing pilot, a run-away, a merc and last but most important Riddick, the convict.  All play an important role in this thrilling look at a world soo unlike or own.

Riddick never tells you he’s going to save you but in the end he dose. He makes the perfect bad/good guy, in D’N’D terms he’d be a chaotic-neutral rouge with the strength of a barbarian, and is in my opinion the best character to star in a movie since Zorro, the original not the remake.

The monsters add just the right amount of added danger. Living in total darkness and feeding on anything that dares to cross their path, even each other, they give the feeling that danger is just a sunset away.

All in all I give Pitch Black my personal rating of 10 stars, for presentation. 10 stars for performance, and 10 stars for character building.

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